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kawaii bijutsu orimono
[Unused items] Fukurobi Kawai Bijutu Orimono
Product code: 260-003-984-2572
Product overview 赤茶色の地に格子柄にして華文をあらわした、河合美術織物の袋帯です。 適応きもの:訪問着、色無地 適応シーン:パーティー、お出かけ
Brand  kawaii bijutsu orimono
Item name

[Unused items] Fukurobi Kawai Bijutu Orimono

Material Silk/Others
Product rank Unused items Items that are unused or unworn when purchased from a customer helpClick here for more information about product ranks
gender type Ladies
helpsize Light color fading
Actual size Length 4m 48cm Width 31cm
Color Brown type
Stock store Nagoya Main Store Kimonokan
Detailed explanation 6-7枚目-タレ先や全体の薄色ヤケ
*Although we take great care, there may be scratches or dirt that are not listed.
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