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kawaii bijutsu orimono
Fukurobi Kawai Bijutu Orimono
Product code: 260-003-985-7200
Product overview This is a Kawai Bijutu Orimono Obi with floral patterns on the Tatsuyuku and Shukko patterns. Suitable kimono: Homongi, Iromuji Suitable occasions: parties, going out
Brand  kawaii bijutsu orimono
Item name

Fukurobi Kawai Bijutu Orimono

Material Silk/Others
Product rank Used Grade C Used item with strong signs of use helpClick here for more information about product ranks
gender type Ladies
Actual size Length 4m 32cm Width 30.5cm
Color Beige type
Stock store Nagoya Main Store Kimonokan
Detailed explanation 6th to 10th pictures - There is thin glue peeling all over the fabric, including the obi and the inner lining of the tip of the sauce.
*In addition to the above photos, there are some stains here and there.
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