Product code: 260-006-600-4523
Product overview We have a 1978 vintage Mustang in stock!
Item name

Fender Mustang 1978

common name Electric guitar
Product rank Used Grade B Used item with signs of use helpClick here for more information about product ranks
gender type mens ladies
accessories Non-genuine gig bag arm
Stock store Nagoya Main Store, Main Building
Detailed explanation Made in 1978
vintage Mustangs are now in stock!

Speaking of Mustang, the first thing that comes to mind is the 1978 Mustang used by that guitarist.
Did you know that Mustangs from 1974 to 1982 actually used ash wood for their bodies?
This machine also uses ash, and instead of the original light and violent Mustang, it is finished with a moderate range feeling and a crisp atmosphere typical of a Mustang.

At the time of its introduction, it was considered a student model, but now it has become a strong individuality that has taken root, making it a piece with a sense of history.
*The included case is a Jeff Beck Stratocaster model gig bag.
There are scratches and dents all over the item. It is in good condition for its age.
The truss rod works well, and there is plenty of room for adjustment in both the forward and reverse warp correction directions.
The neck warp has been adjusted with a rod. Because this is a vintage instrument, there are some small wavy and twisted parts, but it does not affect the playability. The frets have been replaced. There is some wear on the frets, but it does not affect the playability.

[Replacement part] Fret nut

[Weight] Approx. 4.15kg

☆KOMEHYO purchase center Nagoya main store, we purchase musical instruments by delivery purchase☆
*Accessories cannot be included if they are not listed or shown in the image.
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